Thursday, January 31, 2013

Law Of Attraction Facts

'7' Secret Tips for Making the Law of Attraction Work
          These days it seems that everyone is talking about "the law of attraction". Many have tried applying it with great success while others have not. If you are one of those who have not been successful at applying it to your own life or have yet to try it for yourself, then I will give you seven secrets that have helped me to manifest great success in my own life. 

1.) Become aware. Look at how your emotions effect the way you view others and interact with them. Are you ruled by your emotions? Many people are controlled by their feelings but it doesn't have to be that way. Believe it or not you can choose how you feel at any given moment and changing how you feel can completely change your experiences. 

2.) Claim your power by having joy and being grateful. If you sincerely want to see positive changes in your life then realize everything that you have to be happy and grateful for. By taking control of your emotions you are taking control of your life. When you become a positive influence to those around you things begin to change in a positive way. 

3.) What do you want? Figure out what it is that you want in your life more than anything else. This may seem hard at first and if you are having difficulty then, by all means, ask for inspiration while feeling good about it and the answer will come to you. 

4.) Ask for it and believe that it already on its way. Have faith that you will receive that which you desire above all else to the point of being happy and grateful for having it in your life. Visualize yourself as already having it. Release it and go on about your daily life being happy grateful. 

5.) Never dwell on the past. Think about now and be grateful for all that is to come. When we dwell on the past we are only renewing old ways of thinking that keep us from getting that which we truly want. Be happy and grateful for your present and all of the good things you are now attracting into your life.

6.) Receive it gratefully. Always feel happy and grateful when you receive what you asked for into your life and each time it will become easier. 

7.) View problems as challenges and lessons to be learned while on the path to reaching your greatest potential.

Vision Board

How to Create a 'Vision Board' to Attract Anything
Creating a vision board can be one of the most potent instruments you can use when it relates to the law of attraction. This vision board can be as simple as a poster to tack on your wall. It does not have to be complicated at all. The purpose of the vision board is to bring a reminder to your subconscious mind of your intentions as you see the board every day. It will reinforce the intentions that you are sending out into the universe. Okay, that takes care of the why. So, what is a vision board and how do you go about making one? 
         The start off, you need to obtain a medium to large cardboard or just a large poster board. Whatever size strikes you is okay. If you have poster board, basic white is fine, but again that would be up to you whether or not to use color. Next, gather old newspapers or magazines and start looking at the pictures. You are looking for pictures that match what you're trying to attract. If you want that sports car, cut out a picture of exactly the one you want. Be specific! Getting the pictures as close as you can to what you really want is important for a positive outcome. Go through old photo albums for ideas and even use these as picture representatives of what you desire. If a friend has the vehicle you have your heart set on, take a picture of it in front of your house!
           After you have all the pictures you think you need, start taping them on the poster board or use thumbtacks and put them on your cardboard. Whatever works for you is okay. After you get the pictures on your board, try putting labels on the pictures. If you want a beach house and have the perfect picture of what you desire, write a simple label like "My Beach House" in bold letters. Arrange the picture in whatever way pleases you. Angle them, line them up, it doesn't matter so long as the pictures represent what you're interested in attracting. Once you get going on this idea, you may even make more than one vision board.
Next, find a spot on your wall where you will see this poster often and hang it there. Maybe your bedroom door before you leaves for the day. Really look at your poster when it does capture your notice. Don't just think about how nice it would be, but how nice it IS to have what you want. Even if you pass the poster without noticing it much, your subconscious will pick up on it. It is easier to manifest what you desire when your subconscious is processing at the same time. 
         Finally, feel joy when you see your poster. Get excited about the things you will manifest in your life. Getting excited will bring things about faster, especially if you do this on a daily basis. Visualize your desires with the help of your vision board and you will see good things coming to you faster than you thought could happen.