Friday, February 08, 2013

Let the Law works for you ...

                               Power of the Law of Attraction

Become a magnet

The Law of attraction states that 'your thoughts attract the things or events into your life directly from the abundance of the universe'. 

According to Law of Attraction, whatever we think, in turns, knowingly or unknowingly, we are attracting towards US or our life.

Our subconscious mind is actually a dumb servant, you can assume that. Whatever you are thinking (Whether it is positive or negative thought), our subconscious takes it as the "Command" and blindly transmit the power out of it (what is known as 'Vibes') with some sort of frequency (and this frequency is generally depends upon the intensity of our thoughts) and with the same frequency, it attracts the same thing for us what we had thought about.

As per the science, almost 64000 thoughts a normal person passes through out a single day. And it's really next to impossible to take care of all of them, that's as simple as that.

Now, in practical scenario, if we notice, then it's a human tendency to think negative things first in most of the times. Like, "What if i loose this...?, What if my debt is not paid in time....?, what if i will be late...?". In these thoughts, what we thought of (loss, debt and late...) are all the negative things, or the things we never wish to happen in our life. but we still concentrate more on those things only. As the result, it happens in our life. That means, lose, debt and late are the things you (your subconscious) have attracted in your life unknowingly.Law of attraction works always. Whether you believe it or not, regardless of time, location, religion or any materialistic thing, it keeps on working for you. 

So, just get rid of the negative thoughts from your mind and let the Law works for you in positive direction. Stop thinking those things or events or happenings, what you never wish to be there in your life. Start thinking only those things whatever you want badly in your life and allow your subconscious mind to attract that for you in your life.

Have a wonderful life ahead... 

Enjoy. :-) :-) :-) :-)

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