Sunday, January 19, 2014

Remove Negative Labels


Don't let others tell you what you can or cannot do!
Others might know you a little and based on their perception, only they will give you such so called "Labels" for you, which might be not true always. 
"Labels" are extremely powerful influences in our lives and at times can be proven as the most dangerous thing also for our life. because whether the positive labels or negative labels, both will impact your life in a significant amount. 

Therefore,  What labels are you wearing around that you need to let go of? 
  • Are you thinking according to labels that may have been placed on you that you are not good enough? 
  • Are you thinking that you are not smart enough? 
  • Are you thinking that you are not strong enough? 
  • Are you thinking that something is not possible for you???

That label which is preventing you from advancing and/or preventing you from being what you were put here on earth to fulfill can only stop you from reaching your full potential if you believe that you are not capable. 

Are you capable? Most certainly you are! 

You are more than enough, so as of today believe that you are not less than whoever has done it before. 

I strongly believe that : "experts can be wrong." They don’t know what God has placed in you. You are magnificent! You are incredible! You are amazing! You are capable of doing things in your best ways! You are more than stronger in every way! 

Take this into consideration. Whatever labels you are wearing around, be it positive or negative, you will become what that label is.

"People judge by outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."
The funny thing about labels is that they first begin from the outside and we then grow up believing what was said to us. The labels become tapes and then we internalize what they tell us about not being capable. Again, you are more than capable! You are a child of the most high! Therefore you must believe that. The sad part of it is that people that are close to you (the ones that should be there to encourage) often discourage you and are the ones who limit your growth. Sometimes our own near ones are guilty of doing so. As of today if you are reading this, I want you to believe that no matter what others have said about you, you have a choice if you will believe or not. Remember: You are capable! You are magnificent! You are a leader! You are here to leave your mark! The idea of you being lesser than magnificent is a myth.

Remember, you are not what people say you are. So don't let their negative labels hold you back. You are here to be the game changer. You are here to make a difference. You are talented. You are more than what others want to think!
You don't have to wear the labels others place on you, because they are not true. What is true is if you dwell on what was said about you that will eventually be you. STOP NOW and Focus on what you are and that is MAGNIFICENT, CAPABLE, UNIQUE, AWESOME and INCREDIBLE!

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Choose your thoughts

Choose your thoughts

Choose your thoughts wisely.

Almost all of us are not satisfied with what we have. In other words, we can say we desire always more than we have in our life, no matter what it is and how much it is.

Now, although we are wanting more and more from life, we always tend to think those things repeatedly what we don't want in our life in real. Or, about those things / situations what we never wish to happen in our life. I would term it as 'negative things/thoughts' .This is simply our thought process, or I would call it 'human thinking habit'. By following this tendency, we attract those things more in our life. This is because of the universal law, that is, The Law Of Attraction.

As we all know, there is abundance in the universe ( in terms of energy, things, situation whatever we call it). And it is equally available for everyone. Only your thinking habits or attitude or tendency makes you different from others.

The law of attraction does not know anything about good or bad, wanted or unwanted, positive or negative, etc... It just follow your thoughts and simply attract the things/situations in your life for you from the universe.

Now as much as you focus more on the things / situations (Whether positive or negative) , you are unknowingly simply giving commands to your subconscious mind and in turns the law of attraction applies on it.

So, as the result, you will get that thing / situation in your life. It may be possible, that it is not the situation or thing what you actually wished or wanted in your life. But, the reason you are having this currently is only that you have repeatedly thought or focused for that thing/situation.

So be wise while choosing your thoughts. If you really try to change your approach towards the things / situations in life, you can realise that there is always a positive side of every situation in life. And our goal should be focus on that positive side of it. It's simple.

So, start thinking about those things / situations repeatedly and practice this until you get it.

You will definitely realise at one point of time, how surprisingly ways became easy for you to achieve your desires.

Believe me, It works whether you believe it or not, whether  you know it or not.

Enjoy Positive life with all your goals or desires fulfilled.